Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu Aastaraamat (May 2017)

Eesti keele kui teise keele kirjutamisprotsessi sujuvuse võrdlus keeleoskustasemeti

  • Olga Pastuhhova

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13
pp. 107 – 122


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"Comparison of fluency across proficiency levels in the writing process of native Russian-speaking learners of Estonian as a second language" The aim of the current article is to describe fluency across proficiency levels in the writing process of native Russian-speaking learners of Estonian as a second language. The data of the study consist of texts written by 34 participants, all of whom were students at Tallinn University. The data were collected with the computer keystroke logging program ScriptLog. The written argumentative and narrative texts were rated by two experts according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The data were representative of four CEFR language proficiency levels: A2 (4 texts), B1 (13), B2 (13), and C1 (4). Fluency was analysed and described according to process, product, revision, pausing behaviour, and keyboard skills. Furthermore, the fluency of the writing process was measured on the basis of online and offline measures. The results of the study were compared across the proficiency levels. The fluency of the writing process increases with growth in proficiency, the greatest development being observed between levels B2 and C1. Artikli eesmärk on uurida venekeelsete eesti keele õppijate kirjutamisprotsessi sujuvust ja selle seost “Euroopa keeleõppe raamdokumendi” A2-, B1-, B2- ja C1- keeleoskustasemega. Uurimuses osales 34 venekeelset üliõpilast, kellel paluti kirjutada loovkirjutis haridusteemal. Materjal on kogutud klaviatuuri klahvivajutuste salvestuse meetodil põhineva ScriptLog-programmiga. Sujuvust analüüsitakse kirjutamisprotsessi, lõpliku teksti, paranduste, pauside ning klaviatuuri kasutamisoskuse seisukohast. Lisaks on sujuvus arvutatud vastavalt protsessi ja produkti indikaatoritele. Uurimuse tulemusi võrreldakse keeleoskustasemeti. Tulemused osutavad, et teksti produtseerimine muutub keeleoskuse arenedes sujuvamaks, suurim areng on märgatav B2- ja C1-taseme vahel.
