Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem ()
Adolescence, pregnancy and domestic violence: social conditions and life projects
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the social conditions and life projects of non-pregnant adolescents, pregnant adolescents and pregnant women who are victims of domestic violence. Methods: This is a exploratory, descriptive and comparative study of a quantitative and qualitative character. Ninety adolescents between 12 and 18 years old participated in the study, consisting of three groups: Group A (30 non-pregnant adolescents with no history of violence); Group B (30 pregnant adolescents with no history of violence); and Group C (30 pregnant adolescents with a history of violence). The tools used were a questionnaire of characterization of socioeconomic conditions, Inventory of Domestic Violence Against Children and Adolescent Phrases and structured interview. Results: Group C adolescents had lower schooling, higher school dropout, lower family income and short-term life projects. Final considerations: in life projects and social conditions (marital status, education, living conditions and family income) there was some difference between the groups.