Perceptions of prefabricated roof truss installers in Thai SME enterprises related to the causes of accidents and risks associated with working at height
Thanusin Saleeon,
Kittigar Laowattanaroj,
Thanawan Ritthichai,
Paritthipong Samsang,
Suparat Kata,
Panchalika Chankuntod
Thanusin Saleeon
Thaksin University, Public Health, Phatthalung, Thailand
Kittigar Laowattanaroj
Thailand Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (Public Organization), Research and Development, Bangkok, Thailand
Thanawan Ritthichai
Thailand Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (Public Organization), Research and Development, Bangkok, Thailand
Paritthipong Samsang
Thailand Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (Public Organization), Research and Development, Bangkok, Thailand
Suparat Kata
Thailand Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (Public Organization), Research and Development, Bangkok, Thailand
Panchalika Chankuntod
Thailand Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (Public Organization), Research and Development, Bangkok, Thailand