Education Policy Analysis Archives (Nov 2009)

MERCOSUR’s Influence on Higher Education: An analysis from the “Mercosurización” of public policies MERCOSUR’s Influence on Higher Education: An analysis from the “Mercosurización” of public policies

  • Facundo Solanas

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17
p. 20


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Different processes like the internationalization, globalization, mercantilization of the higher education, added to the regional blocks construction as the MERCOSUR, have brought about important transformations on countries members&rsquo; university systems. The article purpose is to analyze the institutional changes caused by the beginning of the MERCOSUR on university&rsquo;s systems of each of the four States block&rsquo;s founders as well as the first two associates ones. Therefore, abundant existing Literature on the matter of &ldquo;europeanization of public policies&rdquo; are taken into account, in addition to selected investigation tracks, based on a set of interviews carried out within the framework of another study and different documentary sources.<br /> Different processes like the internationalization, globalization, mercantilization of the higher education, added to the regional blocks construction as the MERCOSUR, have brought about important transformations on countries members&rsquo; university systems. The article purpose is to analyze the institutional changes caused by the beginning of the MERCOSUR on university&rsquo;s systems of each of the four States block&rsquo;s founders as well as the first two associates ones. Therefore, abundant existing Literature on the matter of &ldquo;europeanization of public policies&rdquo; are taken into account, in addition to selected investigation tracks, based on a set of interviews carried out within the framework of another study and different documentary sources.
