Revista Paulista de Pediatria ()
ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the experience of the 25-year-old trajectory of the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) in Brazil. The first unit was implemented in 1992. Methods: Information and data were collected from publications on the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and the Ministry of Health websites and in national and international journals, about the period 1990-2017. The descriptors used were: “iniciativa hospital amigo da criança”, “hospital amigo da criança”, “baby friendly initiative hospital”, “aleitamento materno” and “breastfeeding”. The number of hospitals in the 25 years, the course of the BFHI and its repercussions on breastfeeding in Brazil were evaluated. Results: The BFHI is an intervention strategy in hospital care at birth focused on the implementation of practices that promote exclusive breastfeeding from the first hours of life and with the support, among other measures of positive impact on breastfeeding, of the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes. Currently, the initiative has been revised, updated and expanded to integrate care for newborns in neonatal units and care for women since prenatal care. It can be concluded that, during these 25 years, the quantity of hospitals varied greatly, with numbers still below the capacity of hospital beds. BFHI shows higher rates of breastfeeding than non-accredited hospitals. However, the number of hospitals are still few when compared to other countries. Conclusions: The BFHI has contributed to breastfeeding in Brazil in recent decades. Greater support for public policies is needed to expand the number of accredited institutions in the country.