Journal of Agricultural Extension (Dec 2007)
Content Analysis of Radio Niger Programme on Promotion of Fisheries Around Kainji Lake Basin, Nigeria
Thestudyinvestigated the contentof fishery agriculture in theprogramme oflocalradio Niger, New Bussa for the year 2005. The result of the analysis showed that development issues account for 47%Â of the radio programmes compared to 53% for non-development issues. The content of agriculture is 1% and fishery 4% which is considered to be low in the radio programmes. This was attributed to inadequate knowledge of theradioproducersandlack ofpublicinvestmentin terms ofsponsorship.Two suggestions are proffered to increase content of fishery agriculture in the radio. programme; training ofradioprogrammeproducers on development communication to expandthe scope ofissues coveredand; increasepublic andprivate sectorinvestment in agriculturalradioprogrammes to reduce the informationpoverty of the rural farmers. In this way the rural radio potential will be utilized in promoting information to theartisanalfisherfolks aroundKainjilakebasin forincrease fishproductionin Nigeria.