Folia Horticulturae (Jun 2009)

The effect of calcium carbonate and top dressing with Peters Professional Special on the growth and flowering of Helleborus lividus Aiton

  • Henschke Monika,
  • Szczepaniak Stanisława,
  • Czuchaj Piotr,
  • Kozik Elżbieta

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 21, no. 1
pp. 105 – 117


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For two years (2006 − 2007), seedlings and young plants of Helleborus lividus Aiton were grown in containers with a peat substrate, which was deacidified with calcium carbonate at the following doses: 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0 g dm-3. The plants were divided into two groups in each variant of CaCO3 dosage, one fertilized with a solution of a lower (0.1%) and the other with a higher (0.3%) concentration of Peters Professional PL Special (15:11:29). Helleborus lividus growth in the first year of cultivation depended on the calcium carbonate dose. Taller plants, with a higher number of leaves, were produced using calcium carbonate at a dose of CaCO3 2.5-5.0 g dm-3. In the second year of cultivation good quality plants - taller, with higher numbers of leaves and shoots, were produced when grown in a substrate with 2.5-7.5 g CaCO3 per dm3. The application of solutions of various concentrations in top dressing did not have an effect on the growth of Helleborus lividus in the first year of cultivation, while in the second year taller plants, with more leaves as well as flowers and buds, were produced when applying a 0.3% fertilizer solution.
