BIO Web of Conferences (Jan 2024)
Justification of commercialization of export-oriented harvesting apparatus for intensive processing of cotton boxes
In the conditions of operation of cotton harvesters with apparatus a two-time bush processing, such agrotechnical indicators as the loss of raw cotton and the dependence of the completeness of its collection on the degree of ripening of the crop do not meet the requirements of state standards. With a single pass of the machine, the completeness of cotton harvesting ranges from 75-83%, losses on bushes reach 15-10%, and with a two-time bush harvest – respectively 78-86% and 12-7%. In high-yielding fields (40 kg / ha and more), these indicators are too greatly deteriorating. The low cotton harvest and its high losses are largely explained by the high sensitivity of such apparats to the readiness plants of cotton plants and the agrophone of the cotton field for machine harvesting, the extensive nature of the processing of the opened boxes and the insufficient duration of the time the interaction of the latter with the working organs of the apparatus. One of the ways to intensify the impact of the working organs on the opened boxes and increase the time of interaction of the latter in the technological cycle working of the apparatus is to increase the multiplicity of processing cotton boxes. Therefore, the development of design documentation, the manufacture of industrial samples, trialing, preparation for commercialization and the organization of serial production of a cotton harvesting apparatus for intensive processing of cotton boxes (IPCB) is an important innovative task.