پژوهش در دین و سلامت (Jan 2019)
A Comparison of Human Development in Psychology and Nahj al-Balaghah
For downloading the full-text of this article please click here. Background and Objective: From the viewpoint of psychologists, creation of human from birth to death has various stages, namely fetus, childhood, adolescence, youth, middle age, and old age. Apart from biological and cognitive features, these stages have particular social and emotional characteristics which transcend individuals. Imams (PBUT) have paid particular attention to educational recommendations for different ages due to their special characteristics. In this regard, the recommendations of Imam Ali (PBUH) considering ways of treating children, adolescents, and young people indicate his awareness of the difference in physical, cognitive and psychological characteristics and age-specific needs of individuals. Therefore, the present study was conducted with the aim of examining the developmental stages of human in Nahj al-Balaghah from Imam Ali's viewpoints and that of psychology. Method: This study has adopted an analytical-library approach. After studying different books of psychology and Nahj al-Balaghah, the developmental stages of human, and its different characteristics were described. Books from the Islamic and religious sciences, especially those related to the words of Imam Ali in Nahj al-Balaghah as well as books related to the developmental psychology, and articles related to the religious field and psychology were used. During this research, all ethical issues were observed and authors reported no conflict of interests. Results: The findings of psychologists such as Piaget, Eriksson in different embryonic, childhood, adolescence, youth and old age periods are in line with the statements of Imam Ali in Nahj al-Balaghah. From his point of view, each of the stages of development has a special sensitivity that needs to be addressed. Conclusion: The developments in hereditary, social context, psychological and physical factors, and prenatal and postnatal stages were taken into account .In order for individuals to succeed in these stages of growth, beside proper nutrition and a rich environment, education and training tips are very influential. In addition to psychological approaches, in Nahj al-Balaghah issues such as parent-child relationships, making friends, marriage, and communication with the elderly have been pointed out. For downloading the full-text of this article please click here. Please cite this article as: Mousavi SE, Elahi T, Masjedi Arani A, Saleck Ebrahimi L, Jalilpour M, Shahsavari Z. A Comparison of Human Development in Psychology and Nahj al-Balaghah. J Res Relig Health. 2019; 4(5): 129- 140.