Revista Brasileira de Ciências do Esporte (Oct 2021)
Strategies to control delayed onset muscle soreness and fatigue in paracanoe athletes
ABSTRACT Objectives To analyze the strategies to control delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and fatigue used by Brazilian paracanoe para-athletes. Methodology: 34 para-athletes were interviewed during the Brazilian canoeing championship in 2017. The interview was divided into four parts: athlete's personal data, disability characteristics, sport practice, and relationship of performance with fatigue and DOMS. Results: 91% of the para-athletes reported DOMS and 88% fatigue. However, despite feeling DOMS and fatigue, 70% of the para-athletes did not undertake prevention or recovery interventions. Conclusion: Although Brazilian paracanoe para-athletes reported intense and frequent DOMS and fatigue, they do not use any strategy to control or reduce them.