Kanz Philosophia: A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism (Jun 2013)

Solipsisme dan Fenomenalisme : Dua Kutub Ekstrim Kantian yang Mengoyak Spiritualitas

  • Husain Heriyanto

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 1
pp. 35 – 58


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Abstract : Solipsism, which is set up by a very influential modern philosopher Immanuel Kant, constitutes one main characteristic of modern philosophy and thought. In the realm on metaphysics, it has brought down the meaning of reality. In epistemological perspective, it has caused modern man to live and think in an isolated mental world that is alienated from objective reality. In the levels of ethics and psychology, it paves the way for flourishing any kind of self-centered standpoint and attitude such as individualism, egoism, racism, and anthropocentrism in the context of human and universe relation. We however find another kind of solipsism in the context of theology and religion (focused on Muslim community). Neo-Salafi Wahhabi puritanism that appears to claim its doctrine as a purified version of Islamic teachings and tradition is essentially an elimination and alienation of Islamic Ummah from transcendent reality, universe, history, humanity, and civilization. Similar to Kantian ontological assumption, Wahhabi insists to believe in transcendent reality with denial of the gates and ways of understanding the reality as well as with removal the keys of revealing reality. Both Kant and Wahhabi reject the capability of human reason to grasp and understand the transcendent reality.Keywords : Agnosticism, noumenalism, phenomenalism, solipsism, Kant, Wahhabi, onto-epistemological solipsism, onto-theological solipsism, intellectuality, spiritual intelligence. Abstrak : Solipsisme, yang dirumuskan oleh tokoh filsuf modern Immanuel Kant, merupakan salah satu karakter utama filsafat dan pemikiran modern. Pada level metafisis, ia telah memiskinkan wawasan manusia modern terhadap realitas. Sementara pada level epistemologis, ia telah memenjarakan manusia modern dalam dunia subyektif mental belaka yang terisolasi dari realitas obyektif dan bahkan terasing dari realitas kemanusiaannya sendiri. Dalam wilayah praktis, yaitu psikologis dan etis, solipsisme melahirkan dan menyuburkan berbagai bentuk self-centered view seperti individualisme, egoisme, rasisme, dan juga antroposentrisme dalam konteks hubungan manusia dengan kosmos. Pandangan yang amat mirip dengan solipsisme modern tersebut juga ditemukan di sebagian umat beragama (Islam) yang mengusung gerakan pemurnian oleh kaum neo-Salafi Wahabi. Setelah mengisolasi dan memutuskan hubungan onto-epistemologis manusia dengan realitas transenden, keduanya – Kant dan Wahabi – menolak kapabilitas rasional manusia untuk mencerap dan memahami realitas transenden.Kata kunci : Agnostisisme, noumenalisme, fenomenalisme, solipsisme, Kant, Wahabi, solipsistik onto-epistemologis, solipsistik onto-teologis, kecerdasan simbolik dan spiritual.
