KözigazgatásTudomány (Nov 2021)
Integrációs folyamatok a területi államigazgatási szervezetben, a fővárosi és megyei kormányhivatalok (Integration processes in the territorial state administration, the metropolitan and county government offices)
The territorial state administration organisation underwent a significant integration process between 2010 and 2020, with the creation of the metropolitan and county government offices (hereinafter referred to as government offices) as the territorial state administration bodies of the Government with general powers. In the course of the integration process, a number of territorial state administration bodies with special powers were integrated into the Government Office in 2011, 2015 and 2017. The Government Office has taken over, without organisational integration, some of the administrative functions and competences of several central state administration bodies and territorial state administration bodies or departments, as well as of local government bodies. As a result, the former fragmentation of the territorial state administration organisation has been significantly reduced, the exercise of functions and powers has been reorganised, the functions and powers of the Government Office have been continuously extended, while the public administration functions performed by local government bodies have been reduced, and the internal organisation and exercise of powers within the Government Office have been simplified and streamlined. In terms of its general characteristics, the Hungarian territorial organisation of public administration after integration is close to the French model of international models, but also has some features of the mixed model.