Зерновое хозяйство России (Apr 2020)
Baking grain quality of winter triticale, winter wheat and winter rye
The technological and baking properties of triticale were determined in the laboratory of the technological and analytical service of the Samarsky Research Institute of Agriculture named after N. M. Tulaykov according to standard methods accepted in science. The study has established that protein percentage in the triticale varieties exceeds winter wheat varieties on 0.7-1.2, and rye on 3.0-4.4 absolute percent. On average over 5 years, the WAC content (water-soluble anti-nutritional components of arabinose and xylose) in the triticale varieties was 1.01-1.37 mpS. Over the years, the indicator, due to the weather conditions, varied within the norm, from 0.90-1, 13 mpS in 2016 to 1.01-1.59 mpS in 2018. It was identified that the triticale varieties turned out to be better than rye and wheat varieties according to fiber content on 25.8%, and according to the amount of ash they exceeded the rye varieties on 0.37-0.39% and the wheat varieties on 0.28-0.48%. The “falling number” (FN) of the new triticale varieties “Arktur” (179 c) and “Spika” (241 c) were at the same level as the winter rye varieties (188-239 c). According to the traits “porosity” (3.0-4.2 points), “taste” (4.0-4.5 points) and “bread elasticity” (3-4 points), the triticale varieties were almost at the level of wheat (respectively 4.0; 4.4; 4.0) and at the level of rye (3.9-4.1; 4.5; 3.8-3.9 points). The volume of bread obtained from triticale flour as a whole was lower than that from wheat flour. However, the volume of bread (424-427 cm3) obtained from flour made from the grain of the variety “Arktur” and the line “97-67 T6 P 20” was at the level of the winter rye variety “Antares” (426 cm3). The study has determined that the winter triticale varieties are at the same level as the winter rye varieties (1.76%) in terms of oil amount in kernels (1.60-1.90%) and exceed rye in terms of starch content in kernels on 1.7-2.0 absolute percent. In winter wheat kernels, unlike triticale, there is formed much more starch (62.15%) than oil (1.67%). There has been identified that, on average, raw protein percentage in the winter triticale varieties exceeds the wheat variety “Malakhit” on 0.7-1.2, and the rye varieties on 3.0-4.4%. At the same time, the winter wheat varieties zoned in the Samara Region contain 65-70% of starch, 13-14% of raw protein, and 1.5-1.8% of oil in kernels; the winter rye varieties contain 60-65%, 11-13%, 1.7-2.0% respectively; the winter triticale varieties contain 60-69%, 14-16% and 1.6-2.0% respectively. The new winter triticale varieties are distinguished with higher grain yields (up to 5 t/ha) in comparison with the standard variety “Krokha” (4.0 t/ha).