Vojnotehnički Glasnik (Nov 2005)
Transportni sistem u funkciji odbrane zemlje / The transportation system in function of defense of country
Transportni sistem zemlje postoji i funkcioniše u miru, a od izuzetnog značaja je za odbranu zemlje. Uticaj ovog sistema na odbranu nije samo direktan, nego i indirektan, jer skoro svi sistemi uključeni u ovaj proces zavise od njega. U odnosu na mirnodopsko stanje, osnovna karakteristika funkcionisanja transportnog sistema u ratuje izvršavanje zadataka u uslovima razaranja infrastrukture, višestrukog povećanja transportnih zahteva i neprekidna izloženost udarima svih elemenata sistema. Zato su pripreme za funkcionisanje u takvim uslovima od izuzetnog značaja. / The transportation system of a country exists and functions in peace and it is very important for the defense of the country. The transportation system has not only direct but also indirect influence on defense, because almost all systems included in defense are dependent on it. When compared to peace, the basic characteristics of its functioning in war is carrying out the tasks in conditions of infrastructure destruction, multiplied transportation demands and continuous blow of all elements of the system. For all these reasons the preparations for transportation system functioning in those conditions are of exceptional importance.