Архивъ внутренней медицины (Feb 2018)
Since the moment when the obstructive nature of sleep apnea was first revealed, many new in-formation on this disease have been obtained. Now obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) recognized as an independent predictor of the development of impaired glucose tolerance (insulin resistance, fasting hyperglycaemia), type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2), resistant arterial hypertension, cardio- vascular death. The problem of identifying and treating patients with OSA is still actual. In real clinical practice, there is a need for an integrated approach to the diagnosis and therapy of comorbid OSA patients with metabolic impairment and cardiovascular diseases.The aim of this review is to assess the clinical and pathogenesis features of metabolic impaired, carbohydrate metabolism, basic metabolism, eating behavior, body weight fluctuations in patients with ob-structive sleep apnea syndrome. Methods. In our work, we used a retrospective analysis of pub-lished clinical research data of domestic and foreign authors over the past 20 years. The review included studies with adequate design from the standpoint of «good clinical practice» (GCP) and evidence-based medicine.The conclusion. According to modern interpretation, obstructive sleep apnea is considered as an independent disease that has its pathogenic mechanisms, clinical and functional manifestations. There are several main causes of the effect of OSA on the metabolic component and the work of the cardiovascular system. Among them, intermittent hypoxemia, endothelial dysfunction, fluctuations in intrathoracic pressure, increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system, disturbance of the structure of sleep are leading. OSA is considered as a disease capable of disabling patients of working age, dramatically changing the quality of life, leading to early mortality due to cardiovascular disasters. Timely detection of clinical symptoms of OSA and the strategy of early administration of CPAP therapy significantly improve the quality of treatment and prognosis of comorbid patients.