Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem (Nov 2024)
Analysis of structural empowerment of nurses in the context of an emergency hospital
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the relationship between structural empowerment and sociodemographic and professional factors of nurses at a reference hospital providing emergency care. Method: Analytical, cross-sectional study, with 124 nurses from an emergency hospital, applying the questionnaires: sociodemographic and professional data and the Conditions of Effectiveness at Work II (CET-II) questionnaire. The Spearman or Kruskal Wallis statistical tests were used and the significance level was updated to 5% for the study's statistical analyses. Results: Structural empowerment was moderate among nurses and “opportunity” presented greater mean among the dimensions. Although the correlations were weak, support was the dimension that showed the greatest results with the other variables. It is more noticeable when: shorter training time; greater age and; longer time at the institution. There was no difference between the dimensions of the instrument and the qualitative variables of the study, except between Opportunity and the surgical hospitalization unit and the total score of the instrument and the burns unit, compared with the other units of the hospital. Conclusion: The structural empowerment of nurses in the hospital was moderate and influenced by variables such as: age, time since graduation, time at the institution and with differences between sectors.