Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes (Jul 2019)
Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Nepali version of the Rowland universal dementia assessment scale (RUDAS)
Abstract Background Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is a transitional state between normal cognition and dementia during ageing process. Early screening of elderly for MCI can help for early prevention and treatment of dementia. Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) is a brief cognitive assessment tool with excellent psychometric properties and is particularly useful in culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) populations. The purpose of this study was to translate RUDAS into Nepali and to evaluate internal consistency of Nepali version of RUDAS. Methods RUDAS was translated to Nepali following recommended guidelines for translation and cross-cultural adaptation of patient reported measures. The pre-final Nepali version of RUDAS was tested on 30 elderly and appropriate changes were made by expert committee. The final Nepali version of RUDAS was developed and was administered on 100 elderly populations (mean age 67.70) to assess internal consistency. Results The rating of the participants upon their understanding of each 6 items of Nepali version of RUDAS on a 10-point Likert scale received a good score of more than 8 except ‘cube drawing’ which only received a mean score of 5.5. Additionally, only 8(27%) elderly have responded to the item ‘cube drawing’. The preference test was done and cube drawing was replaced by stick design test. Nepali version of RUDAS showed acceptable internal consistency with Cronbach’s alpha 0.7. Conclusion The results of our study presents translated and cross-culturally adapted Nepali version of RUDAS that has been proved to be an appropriate assessment tool for screening cognitive impairment among elderly.