Sučasnì Informacìjnì Tehnologìï u Sferì Bezpeki ta Oboroni (Dec 2019)
Studies on the possibility of using the non-explosive pulse seismic source to neutralize explosion devices
The problem of humanitarian demining and the possibility of using the principle of action that underlies the non-explosive pulse seismic source for the destruction (disposal) of explosive devices with different target sensors mounted on land or in water is investigated. As a non-explosive impulse seismic source a prototype of the electrodynamic impulse source of seismic signals IDD-27 was used, provided by the limited liability company " Yuh-Naftohazgheolohiia". Based on the analysis of the results of a comprehensive field experiment, the hypotheses were tested regarding the possibility of using a device of this type to destroy (neutralize) the explosive devices by the influence of excited surface and both epicentral seismic and electromagnetic waves on the contact or non-contact sensors of the target explosive devices. As the contact ones were used layouts of break-wire (tensioning), push, pin, seismic target sensors; anti-tank, anti-transport, object, anti-personnel land mines, mines-surprises, and improvised explosive devices as well as anti-landing target pin sensors. In addition, seismic wave propagation parameters were measured using a TEXAN-125A digital seismic station with GS-11D seismic sensors and a Guralp CMD 40TD seismograph. In order to establish the possibility of destruction (neutralization) of explosive devices with non-contact magnetic sensors of the target, remote measurements of the parameters of propagation of electromagnetic waves from the action of the electrodynamic pulse source of seismic signals IDD-27 were carried out by means of the magnetoteluric station LEMI-423. The analysis of the obtained results showed ambiguity regarding the possibility of using the considered principle of action of non-explosive pulsed seismic source for destruction (neutralization) of explosive devices with different sensors of the target on land and in water.