Известия Томского политехнического университета: Инжиниринг георесурсов (Aug 2016)

Development of land regional monitoring systems based on atlas mapping

  • Aleksey Aleksandrovich Verkhoturov,
  • Vyacheslav Anatolievich Melkiy

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 327, no. 7


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The relevance of the work is caused by the fact that evaluation of the current status of land, determining the character of changes in the components of natural systems, prediction of activation of the negative processes of changing landscapes and all components of ecosystems, are not possible without high-quality data that can be obtained only through the well-organized monitoring systems at the regional level. The aim of the research is to analyze the possibilities of systems for environmental monitoring; to find out the correlations of the external manifestations in the relief of internal natural processes and their causes; to define the indicators of processes orientation; to develop the recommendations to optimize the functioning of regional systems of monitoring based on atlas geographic information system (GIS) mapping. Research methods. The authors have carried out the analysis of technical capabilities of the receiving stations of satellite data from the TERRA spacecraft, Landsat, NOAA and others at the regional level in Sakhalin region. When carrying out the researches the authors used the methods of mathematical and geospatial mapping, statistical, complex physical-geographical, spatial analysis, thematic interpretation, etc. Results. The authors developed the recommendations on organizing the monitoring system of Sakhalin region and defined its composition and technical equipment. It was proposed to solve the problems of a certain scale for regional land monitoring, based on GIS mapping and data of remote sensing of the Earth performed with certain frequency of observations. The system of regional monitoring, which is able to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of its holding in Sakhalin region through cooperation and coordinated activities of all participants, was recommended Conclusions. The authors developed the theory and laid the methodological basis of the system of atlas geoinformation mapping of the territory of Sakhalin region, on the basis of which it is possible to organize a comprehensive land monitoring in the region using existing geoportals, and at the best applying the newly created special geoportal. The satellite data should be accepted by the ground receiving stations, located in the region.
