Vìsnik Dnìpropetrovsʹkogo Unìversitetu: Serìâ Bìologìâ, Ekologìâ (Jun 2015)
Effect of Capreolus capreolus and Sus scrofa excreta on alanine aminotransferase activity in Glechoma hederacea leaves in conditions of Cd pollution
The paper reflects the analysis of Cd impact on the total activity (nM pyruvic acid/ml s) of alanine aminotransferase (ALT, EC nitrogen metabolism and the content (mg/ml) of water-soluble protein fraction (albumin) in Glechoma hederacea L. leaves subject, which dominated in the research area (natural floodplain oak with Stellaria holostea L.). Cd was introduced in the form of salts Cd(NO3)2 in the concentrations of 0.25, 1.25 and 2.50 g/m2, equivalent to Cd in 1, 5 and 10 doses of MAC. The content of doses of MAC of Cd (5 mg/kg soil) was taken into account during introduction. We observed the inhibition of the activity of ALT 3–4 times (with adding the Cd salts at a dose of 1 and 5 МAС) compared to controls (area without pollution of Cd and excreta of mammals). This stress reaction took place in the protein complex as well. Thus, albumin content was equal to 72% and 80% (with Cd 1 and 5 MAC) compared to control (the area without pollution and excretory functions of mammals). It proved nonspecific response to stress. Using excreta of Capreolus capreolus L. and Sus scrofa L. shows the reduction of Cd effects and increasing the metabolic activity of ALT by 41% and 105%, respectively (with adding of Cd 1 MAC) compared to control (pollution by Cd at a dose 1 MAC). The effect of Cd 5 MAC is offset (only with the introduction of C. capreolus excreta) compared to control (pollution by Cd at a dose 5 MAC). Normalization of the albumin content (with adding of Cd 1 and 5 MAC) compared to control (сontrol of Cd at a dose 1 MAC and сontrol of Cd at a dose 5 MAC) with using of excreta of C. capreolus was observed. In conditions of Cd at a doze 10 MAC the ALT activity was reduced 2 times with the introduction of excreta of C. capreolus as S. scrofa compared to control (Cd at a dose 10 MAC). The introduction of excreta of S. scrofa compared with C. capreolus restored the albumin content by 10% to the control. Thus, the feasibility of using different biological community representatives for comprehensive regulation of the environmental changes in the conditions of steppe Ukraine has been found.