MedEdPORTAL (Jun 2011)

Thoracoscopic Resection of a Bronchogenic Cyst

  • Mahesh Thapa,
  • Peter Gilbreath,
  • Jacob Stephenson,
  • Erin Rudzinski,
  • Jeffrey Avansion

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7


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Abstract This resource is an 18-minute enhanced podcast describing radiological evaluation, thorascopic resection, and pathologic analysis of a bronchiogenic cyst. This resource will allow for a more complete understanding of bronchogenic cysts for radiologists, surgeons, and pathologists. Standard podcasts are popular means of sharing information via the Internet. Podcasts, however, have limited value in radiology and surgery education because content is limited to audio. This resource seeks to realize the potential for this medium as an education tool by implementing the related but much more robust enhanced podcast. An enhanced podcast is a podcast that allows images and video to be displayed in time with the audio. It also permits imbedding of URL links and the addition of chapter markers to the audio file. Because there are chapter markers within the presentation, a user can quickly skip ahead or back to a topic they interested in, making education both interactive and efficient. Since a presentation can also be downloaded to a portable digital device, learning can therefore be mobile. We have chosen bronchogenic cyst as one of our first topics, because it is a condition commonly encountered in the pediatric population. By providing both radiologic, surgical, and pathologic perspectives, we hope to offer a more complete understanding of this common condition.
