Univerzitetska Misao (Jan 2023)
Moral education and its importance in early childhood education
Family complexity as a unique social group, there are difficulties in its study and this requires the cooperation of as many sciences as possible, both social and natural. According to the criterion, there are the following forms of family: one form is a totem clan when it is characterized by one name that is common to all members of the genus, and it is symbolized by a sign and the belief in the same origin. In this family, children are determined by their mother's line, and in that basis lies a group marriage in which it is not known exactly who the father is, but since the birth is under the protection of the clan, in a way all the children are his. common. Moral education is one of the important factors of any humane and democratic society. It is a very complex process. It is influenced by a number of factors. It is the duty of the educator to prevent bad influences and to form positive moral qualities in the educator. The process of moral education is "the process of forming the moral qualities of man, the formation of his consciousness, views and attitudes, feelings, will and character.