Arena Hukum (Dec 2020)
ABSTRACT Financial Technology, one of the disruptive innovations that restructures aspects of the financial industry and influences people's lifestyles, needs to be balanced with the fulfillment of accommodative legal development. Efforts to develop Financial Technology has caused the technical and service problems. These problems can be minimized by the construction of a legal component both in terms of substance which to date has been deemed inadequate, as well as the institutional aspect of authority, namely the OJK which is considered to be incapable in accommodating the legal aspects of Financial Technology. As a normative juridical research using legislation and conceptual approaches, the focus of the author here is to annotate legal buildings that cannot guarantee legal protection in the development of Financial Technology in an ideal manner. What needs to be underlined is that the development of Financial Technology should require Technology Ethics considerations that can affect Indonesia's readiness in facing the Disruptive Era. This is where the idea of Technology Ethics needs to be penetrated in legal convergence to create a more ideal legal order. ABSTRAK Financial Technology, salah satu inovasi disruptif yang merestrukturisasi aspek industri keuangan dan mempengaruhi gaya hidup masyarakat, perlu diimbangi dengan pemenuhan pembangunan hukum yang akomodatif. Upaya pengembangan Financial Technology menghadapi problematika teknis maupun layanan. Hal tersebut dapat diminimalisasi dengan konstruksi komponen hukum baik dari segi substansi yang belum memadai, maupun segi kelembagaan yang berwenang yaitu OJK yang dianggap belum kapabel dalam mengakomodir aspek hukum Financial Technology. Sebagai penelitian yuridis normatif dan pendekatan perundang-undangan serta konseptual, fokus penulis disini adalah memberi anotasi terhadap bangunan hukum yang belum dapat memberi jaminan perlindungan hukum dalam pengembangan Financial Technology secara ideal. Perlu digarisbawahi bahwa pengembangan Financial Technology seharusnya memerlukan pertimbangan Etika Teknologi yang dapat mempengaruhi kesiapan Indonesia dalam menyongsong Disruptive Era. Disinilah gagasan Etika Teknologi dipenetrasikan dalam konvergensi hukum sehingga diharapkan dapat menciptakan tatanan hukum yang lebih ideal.