International Journal of Strength and Conditioning (Aug 2023)
Acute Responses Of A Drop-Set Session On Muscular Activation And Its Applicability In Resistance- Trained Individuals
We investigated whether performing repetitions to muscular failure (FAIL) during a drop-set would affect muscle activation in trained individuals. Twelve young men performed a drop-set session consisting of 3 sets of two intensity drops (80 to 60 and to 40% of one-repetition maximum [1-RM]) load in a leg press machine. Linear regression between the quadriceps femoris root mean square of surface electromyography (EMGRMS) was employed to observe the initial muscle activation (intercept) and its behavior over the repetitions (slope). The EMGRMS intercept of the first set decreased (p0.05) differences compared to 80%1-RM. The maximum initial muscle activation occurred at higher loads only, but low loads performed to FAIL may be necessary for increasing and maintaining muscle activation at higher loads. Understanding these acute responses may support coaches and athletes in optimizing strength training responses during drop-set sessions into their periodization.