Makedonsko Farmacevtski Bilten (Jun 2011)
Essential oils composition of Pinus peuce Griseb. (Pinaceae) growing on Pelister Mtn., Republic of Macedonia
The composition of essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation from needles, from branches without needles and from branches with needles of Pinus peuce Griseb. (Pinaceae) from Pelister Mtn. (R. Macedonia) was analyzed by GC/FID/MS. One hundred and seven components (40 monoterpenes, 37 sesquiterpenes, 9 diterpenes and 21 other components - aliphatic and cyclic hydrocarbons; aliphatic alcohols, aldehydes, and acids; phenols and other oxygenated benzene derivates) were identified. The most abundant constituents were terpene hydrocarbons, encompassing the monoterpenes: α-pinene, β-pinene, limonene + β-phellandrene and bornyl acetate and the sesquiterpenes: trans (E)-caryophyllene and germacrene D.