Historie - Otázky - Problémy (Dec 2019)

„… aby národové naši ještě toho dočěkali, abychom Čechové, Moravané a Slezáci byli…”. Elity polityczne Królestwa Czeskiego wobec Śląska i Ślązaków w pierwszej połowie XVI wieku | [May our nations see it pass that we be Czechs, Moravians and Silesians]. Political elites of the Kingdom of Bohemia in relation to Silesia and the Silesians in the first half of the 16th century

  • Bogusław Czechowicz

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 2
pp. 100 – 112


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The paper deals with some inherited traits in the relationship between the bureaucratic elite of the Kingdom of Bohemia and Silesia. One of the tendencies was an emphasis on preserving the integrity of the Crown of the Kingdom of Bohemia, especially at the time of almost permanent absence of kings from the country (this mainly concerns the governments of both Jagiellonian kings). However, the nobles of Bohemia also looked after their own interests, and Silesia was for them a space where they engaged in property speculation. They also approached the Silesian princes expediently. On the one hand, they tried to limit their power positions; on the other, they endeavoured to enlist their support in order to attain their particular objectives. But they did not succeed in dominating political life in Silesia to the extent they had succeeded in the case of Moravia and the two Lusatias.
