Comparative Cultural Studies (Mar 2022)

Lo decolonial como tamiz emancipatorio: dinámicas raciales y religiosas en Cuba

  • Ileana Hodge Limonta

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 14


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To talk about the decolonial its necesary to know in what context we use the term and the traps it hides itself, which colind itself to ideological, political and racial manipulations. From etnology we will be presenting the subject from contemporary Latin American theories, which unmask continual assumptions of the coloniality of power in full forcé, which generate an epistemic racism that desqualifies all tipe of civilizing though or rationality from ethnic knowlegde. For this reason to delve into the subject at hard We´ll reflecto n what we understand by des and de/ colonial, and from there, taking into account our cuban homeland history establish links of emacipatory propousal, with the racial in general and religious in particular.
