Zeszyty Naukowe PTE w Zielonej Górze (May 2022)
Form of ownership of listed companies and their economic results - empirical analysis
he debate among economists about the different economic performance of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and private enterprises has been going on for a long time, but there are no definitive conclusions so far. However, many SOEs reforms have been implemented in recent years, often resulting in improved their performance. One stage of the reforms was their partial privatisation, in particular via the capital market. As a result, listed companies that remained under state control were more profit-oriented but could still be used for political or macroeconomic objectives. The aim of the article was to compare the economic performance of publicly traded companies controlled by the state and private companies depending on the economic factors. The analysis covered 2019 (when economic development continued) and 2020 (when economic activity declined as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and the related crisis). Data for the study were downloaded from Notoria On-line and the analysis was performed using a non-parametric mean test Mann-Whitney U for two independent variables. The results showed that in period of economic growth there are no significant statistical differences between SOEs and private enterprises, while SOEs have lower ROA, ROE and debt coverage ratios in period of economic growth.