Phainomena (Jun 2020)
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Between the Human and the Animal - The author of the contribution begins with Umberto Eco’s answer to the question: “Why philosophy?” which points to the distinction between human and animal. Based on Heidegger’s lectures entitled The Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics: World, Finitude, Solitude, where the question: “What is world?” is answered through the famous three theses about the “world-less-ness” of the stone, of the animal as being “poor-of-world,” and of the human being as the “creator of world,” the author gives a detailed analysis, accompanied with a critical reflection in defense of Heidegger’s position against Derrida’s critique of “anthropocentrism” and “Cartesianism.” In the final part, the author connects the conception of human-animal with the contemporary issue of ethics and responsibility with the aid of Nancy’s philosophy.