Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia (Jun 2005)

Comparação da linfocintilografia com dextrano 500 com a do fitato na pesquisa do linfonodo sentinela no câncer de mama Lymphoscintigraphy imaging study for sentinel node mapping, comparing dextran 500 with phytate, in breast cancer patients

  • Nilton Leite Xavier,
  • Paulo Ricardo Masiero,
  • Bernardo Leão Spiro,
  • Maria Fernanda Detanico,
  • Ana Lúcia Acosta Pinto,
  • Maria Janilde de Almeida,
  • Carlos Henrique Menke,
  • Jorge Villanova Biazús

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 27, no. 6
pp. 340 – 346


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OBJETIVO: comparar a acurácia de dois radiocolóides na marcação do linfonodo sentinela (LNS) por imagem. MÉTODOS: as pacientes foram incluídas no período de maio de 2002 a abril de 2004. Neste estudo duplo-cego, a paciente foi submetida duas vezes ao mesmo exame, mas com fármacos diferentes, sendo que os fármacos, tecnécio-99m-dextrano 500 (dextrano) e tecnécio-99m-fitato (fitato), foram injetados, na mama, em quatro pontos na área peritumoral e no subcutâneo superficialmente ao tumor, com volume de 2 ml, contendo de 1,0 a 1,5 mCi, em alíquotas de 0,4 ml. Para a obtenção das imagens, duas horas após a injeção do radiofármaco, usamos gama-câmera com colimador de alta resolução. A drenagem linfática axilar foi identificada em imagens radiográficas estáticas, anterior e lateral. A estatística para pares discordantes foi realizada pelo teste de MacNemar e pelo teste Z para proporções. RESULTADOS: na análise das 40 pacientes, obtiveram-se 15 pares com imagens positivas iguais, 4 pares com imagens negativas e 21 pares com imagens distintas, seja porque uma era negativa, seja porque o número de LNS marcados era diferente. A análise do desempenho quanto ao sucesso e insucesso mostrou 35 e 27 imagens positivas e 5 e 13 imagens negativas, respectivamente para o dextrano e o fitato, sendo que das negativas 4 eram comuns. O estudo estatístico pelo teste de MacNemar mostrou p=0,026, com odds ratio (OR) = 0,11 e IC 95% 0,01PURPOSE: a case-control study comparing two radiocolloids used in scintigraphy to map the sentinel lymph nodes (SLN) in breast cancer patients. METHODS: forty patients were prospectively enrolled between May 2002 and April 2004, after signing an informed consent form. In the present double-blind study, each patient was submitted twice to the same examination, a mammary scintigraphy, one with 99mTc-dextran 500 (dextran) and the other with 99mTc-phytate (phytate), on different days. A volume of 2 ml with 1-1.5 mCi of each radiopharmaceutical, in divided aliquots, was injected in the breast parenchyma in four points around in the tumor and the subcutaneous area superficial to the tumor. The image was obtained 2 h after the injection, using a gamma camera with high-resolution collimator. The lymph nodes were identified by anterior and lateral static scintigraphic images. Statistical analysis was done with the use of McNemar and Z tests. RESULTS: in the analysis of the 40 patients, we had 15 pairs with positive identical images, 4 pairs with negative images and 21 pairs with inconsistent images, either because one of them was negative, or because the SLN numbers were different. When the protocol was opened, we found 35 and 27 positive images and 5 and 13 negative images for dextran and phytate treatment groups, respectively. Among the negative images, 4 were shared by both groups. The McNemar test, used for the statistical analysis, showed p=0.026, odds ratio (OR) = 0.11 with 95% CI 0.01 < OR < 0.85. The accuracy, evaluated by the success ratio of the SLN mapping, was 67.5% for phytate and 87.5% for dextran, with p=0.032. Analysis of variance of the SLN number in lymphoscintigraphy images showed p=0.008. CONCLUSION: these results recommend the use of dextran instead of phytate for the SLN study of breast carcinoma by scintigraphy, when the same methodology is being used.
