RIA: Revista Investigaciones Agropecuarias (Aug 2013)

Tierras elegibles para cultivos forestales según el protocolo de Kyoto en dos partidos de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

  • LUPI, A.M.1;,
  • FERRERE, P.2,
  • ANGELINI, M.1;

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 39, no. 2
pp. 138 – 148


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This article reports the amount of land available that can be used only for forestry projects under the KyotoProtocol (KP), Daireaux and Guaminí districts, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. The information is valuableto potential investors or public or private operators interested in promoting the development of forestry projectsin the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) PK. We used Landsat 1988, 1989, 2008 and CBERS-2B 2009,the database and images of national forest inventory, surveys of field tree plantations. We compared the coverageof land use on images of 1989 and 2008. Surfaces covered with forests were characterized as non-eligible areas. The remaining area was classified as eligible land. Eligible lands are divided into two subclasses: 1)Eligible land without restriction by the presence of soils Udipsament típico y Hapludol éntico, where growth forest are promising and are areas that do not compete with agricultural use, and 2) Eligible land with forest use restrictions as a result of competition by other land uses or edaphic restrictions. The results indicate that Daireaux and Guaminí Districts have an elegible of 47,021 ha. The eligible areas with restrictions are 314.737ha in Daireaux and 424.456 ha in Guaminí. The non-eligible area is 8.573 ha.
