Urology Case Reports (Nov 2019)
Scrotal abscess as a manifestation of posterior duodenal perforation; a very rare presentation
Posterior perforation of duodenal ulcers is very rare; the infection may spread from the retroperitoneal space to the scrotum.A 75-year-old male presented with painful right scrotal swelling for 2 days associated with fever. During abdominal examination there was abdominal tenderness and scrotal swelling and tenderness.CT scan of the abdomen showed large amount of air collection in the retroperitoneal space extending to the right scrotum with contrast media passing to the retroperitoneum and right scrotum.Laparotomy done and there was a perforation in the posterior wall of the duodenum, suturing done and right scrotal abscess drained. Keywords: Peptic ulcer, Abdominal pain, Perforated duodenal ulcer, Scrotal abscess, Posterior duodenal ulcer, Case report