Türk Kütüphaneciliği (Dec 2016)
How do We Know Who Knows Who: An Empirical Assessment of Social Capital Usage for Turkish and Greek Cypriot Steel Manufacturing Industry Managers
This paper is concerned with the social capital measurement of Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot steel-manufacturing industry managers studied through the social network analysis method. The aim of this research undertaking is to find out the social capital usage of managers constructed on a relational basis. The comparative analysis between the two communities is conducted to understand to what extent Cypriot managers employed in steel-manufacturing companies fill in structural holes occurring in the Cypriot community. The epistemological dimension of this study is based on the anti-positivist paradigm. For this reason, the methodology refers to the quantitative analysis.10 Turkish Cypriot and 10 Greek Cypriot managers are involved in this study by using the focus group techniques in the context of quantitative methodology. The brief definition on social capital is given to the respondents and asked them to mark their social relationhip between 0, which represents no relationship, to 10, which refers to the strongest level of relationship. After gathering data, UCINET software program was used by mapping out the social relationship among the managers. The evidences approved that social capital has played a vital role in the creation of new social networks in the case of Cyprus. The analysis has highlighted the inadequacy of the social interactions between the two communities, likely stemming from the political and economic issues and challenges of the Island.