Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan (Feb 2016)
Pelayanan Pendidikan, Medis, dan Sosial bagi Anak Cacat Secara Terpadu
This study was an effort to introduce mainstreaming in which regular schools were prepared to educate handicapped children. The study was conducted in 5 villages in Mojosongo, Boyolali. There were 19 primary schools with 4 special education teachers as itinerant teachers. It was found out that training in special education improved knowledge in special education and ability to identify handicapped children. A number of 202 handicapped children were identified (7.9% of the population). A number of 194 children received special education services in their regular classrooms. Of the 194 students, 110 of this promotion did not affect school ranks and repetition rates. Most teachers agreed that the gifted, slow learner, and learning disabled remain in the regular school with special services by special education teachers