Tropicultura (Jun 2021)
Techniques de production d’asticots de mouches domestiques (Musca domestica L. 1758) pour l’alimentation des volailles, synthèse bibliographique.
Poultry feed requires an essential supply of proteins to be provided to animals through food ingredients such as seed vegetables and their cakes (from peanut, soybean, etc.), fishmeal, etc. These protein sources, although indispensable in poultry feed, are subject to price spikes and are little or practically affordable. Fly maggots are a sustainable solution in animal feed but are classified as one of the little-known sources of animal protein in Africa in general and in Niger in particular. The production of these maggots is not expensive and does not currently involve food competition with human food. The maggots of houseflies (Musca domestica L. 1758) and black soldier flies (Hermetia illucens L. 1758) are preferred because of the easyness of their production and the importance of their biomass. The larvae of both flies are often produced with waste of all kinds (substrates) available free of charge or given away in the commercial case at low price. The chemical compositions of these maggots are similar or even better than those of conventional food ingredients used in poultry feed inducing efficient zootechnical performances to animals. In addition to proteins, the maggot production process allows, on the one hand, to recycle organic waste which is a real environmental problem and, on the other hand, to generate a nutrient-rich biofertilizing residue which can be valorized in agriculture. Several studies have shown that there is no health hazard related to the use of maggots in animal feed in general and on poultry in particular. Indeed, the evaluation of several chemical contaminants in maggots had revealed traces of some molecules at thresholds lower than those recommended by international organizations (European Union, World Health Organization). A few rare studies have affirmed that a transmission of Salmonella is possible to consumers. However, it is unanimously accepted that maggots can be introduced into animal feed without inducing harmful effects on their health and that possible contamination throughout the food chain can be controlled.