Jurnal Kajian Bimbingan dan Konseling (Sep 2020)

Effects of Self-Instruction and Time Management Techniques in Group Counseling to Reduce Academic Procrastination

  • Dahlia Novarianing Asri,
  • Asroful Kadafi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 3
pp. 112 – 121


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Abstract: This study aims to discover the effectiveness of group counseling with self-instruction and time management techniques in decreasing academic procrastination in mathematics learning. This research used a randomized pre-test post-test comparison group design with sixteen participants selected through a purposive random sampling technique. Eight of those participants (group 1) used the self-instruction technique; meanwhile, the other eight participants (groups 2) used the time management technique. The data was obtained through an academic procrastination scale, referring to academic procrastination aspects, developed by Tuckman. Additionally, the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test was used to test the effectiveness of both techniques, and the Mann-Whitney test was used to compare the efficacy of both techniques. The results indicate that group counseling with self-instruction and time management techniques are sufficient to lower the academic procrastination in mathematics learning. Further, the self-instruction group counseling is more effective to downturn academic procrastination than time management technique. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji keefektifan konseling kelompok dengan teknik self-instruction dan teknik time management untuk mereduksi prokrastinasi akademik pada pembelajaran matematika. Desain penelitian menggunakan randomized pre-test post-test comparison group design. Enam belas subjek penelitian dipilih menggunakan teknik purposive random sampling, dimana delapan subjek (kelompok 1) diberi perlakuan teknik self-instruction dan delapan lainnya (kelompok 2) diberi perlakuan teknik time management. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan skala prokrastinasi akademik yang dikembangkan oleh Tuckman dengan mengacu pada aspek prokrastinasi akademik. Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test digunakan untuk menguji keefektifan kedua teknik, sementara uji Mann-Whitney digunakan untuk membandingkan keefektifan keduanya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konseling kelompok dengan teknik self-instruction dan teknik time management efektif untuk mereduksi prokrastinasi akademik pada pembelajaran matematika. Lebih lanjut, konseling kelompok dengan teknik self-instruction lebih efektif untuk mereduksi prokrastinasi akademik dibandingkan teknik time management.
