Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини (Sep 2016)
Казакевич Ольга. Просопография Киевской Старой Громады (вторая половина ХІХ века). В статье представлена попытка построения коллективной биографии ведущих представителей Киевской Старой Громады, которые входили в так называемый “Комитет 12”. С помощью метода просопографии выявлены общие черты повседневной жизни, этапов карьеры и профессиональной деятельности, которые объединяли украинских политических и культурных деятелей второй половины ХIХ века. Проанализировано происхождение, имущественное положение, общественные взгляды, мировозрение и культурно-просветительская деятельность членов Киевской Громады. Ключевые слова: просопография, Киевская Старая Громада, “Комитет 12”, украинское национальное движение, национальное строительство. Kazakevich Olga. Prosopography of the Old Kyiv Hromada (the late 19 c.). The article demonstrates an attempt to make the collective biography of leading members of the Kyiv Old Hromada. By applying the prosopography method, some common features of the everyday life, curriculum vitae and professional activity, which brought together the Ukrainian political and cultural figures of the late 19 c., were revealed. As it is known, the Kyiv Old Hromada was an unofficial association of intellectuals who popularized and promoted the Ukrainian language, history and culture both in Russian empire and Europe from 1860s. While the whole Kyiv Old Hromada comprised from 70 to 100 members, only a small part of them were deeply involved in the decision-making process. The were involved in the so-called “The Committee of 12”. As far as membership in the Committee was informal, it is rather hard to establish precise list of its members. At different times the Committee included V. Antonovych, V. Berenshtam, F. Vovk, M. Dragomanov, P. Zhytetskiy, M. Ziber, M. Kovalevskiy, M. Lysenko, O. Lonachevskiy, K. Mykhalchuk, V. Naumenko, F. Panchenko, I. Rudchenko, O. Rusov, M. Starytskiy, E. Tregubiv, Ju. Tsvitkivskiy, P. Chubynskiy, J. Shulgin. Most of them belonged to the generation of those born during 1830-40s and descended from the families of commoners, Orthodox clergymen, teachers, civil servants etc. Almost all of them studied at the Historical and Philological department of St. Vladimir’s University of Kyiv, which determined their future careers as researchers and teachers. Some of the Kyiv Old Hromada members became known as prominent Ukrainian historians, linguists and publicists; others achieved significant success in the field of music and theater. Thus, during their lifetime most of them had to work hard as teachers. Members of Kyiv Old Hromada from their own funds sponsored numerous artistic events for the promotion of Ukrainian culture, published a scientific journal “Kievskaya Starina”, supported publishing of books in Ukrainian language etc. In 1876 the repression campaign against the Kyiv Old Hromada had started in the Russian empire and most of “The Committee of 12” were either exiled or forced to leave their positions in the education sphere. However, the key figures of the Kyiv Old Hromada continued their public activity until the early 20th century. Key words: prosopography, the Kyiv Old Hromada, “The Committee of 12”, the Ukrainian national movement, nation building.