Land (Aug 2024)
Evaluating the Impact of Green Spaces on Urban Heat Reduction in Rajshahi, Bangladesh Using the InVEST Model
Urban heat poses significant challenges in rapidly developing cities, particularly in countries like Bangladesh. This study investigates the cooling effects of urban green spaces in Rajshahi city, addressing a critical research gap in developing urban contexts. We examined the relationships among urban vegetation, heat mitigation, and temperature variables using the InVEST Urban Cooling Model and spatial analysis techniques. This study focused on three key relationships: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Heat Mitigation Index (HMI), HMI and Land Sur face Temperature (LST), and HMI and Air Temperature (AT). Analysis revealed a strong positive correlation between NDVI and HMI, indicating the effectiveness of vegetation in enhancing urban cooling. A robust inverse relationship between HMI and LST was observed (R2 = 0.78, r = −0.88), with every 0.1 unit increase in HMI corresponding to a 0.53 °C decrease in LST. The HMI−AT relationship showed an even stronger correlation (R2 = 0.84, r = −0.87), with each unit increase in HMI associated with a 2.80 °C decrease in air temperature. These findings quantify the significant role of urban green spaces in mitigating heat and provide valuable insights for urban planning in developing cities, underscoring the importance of integrating green infrastructure into urban-development strategies to combat urban heat and improve livability.