Cuadernos de Filología Italiana (Dec 2017)
Le "Regole grammaticali" di Giovan Francesco Fortunio e le grammatiche bilingui italiano-spagnolo nel Cinquecento.
What was the influence of Regole grammaticali della lingua volgare by G. F. Fortunio during the 16th century in Spain? Three bilingual grammars (Italian-Spanish) had been analyzed, Paragone della lingua toscana e castigliana by G. M. Alessandri d’Urbino (1560), Osservationi della lingua castigliana by G. Miranda (1566) and Arte muy curiosa di F. Trenado de Ayllón (1590). Each grammar differs from the others in the approach used and the public they were written for. This research establishes the similarity of the three grammars with Regole by Fortunio and with Prose by Bembo, in order to determine the orthographic and morphological model used. Even if the grammars follow a literary model inspired by Bembo, there are still orthographical and morphological influences from Fortunio.