Can Biofertilizers Reduce Synthetic Fertilizer Application Rates in Cereal Production in Mexico?
Jesús Santillano-Cázares,
Marie-Soleil Turmel,
María Elena Cárdenas-Castañeda,
Santiago Mendoza-Pérez,
Agustín Limón-Ortega,
Roberto Paredes-Melesio,
Luis Guerra-Zitlalapa,
Iván Ortiz-Monasterio
Jesús Santillano-Cázares
Instituto de Ciencias Agrícolas, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Carretera a Delta S/N, Ejido Nuevo León, Mexicali 21705, Mexico
Marie-Soleil Turmel
Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT), Km. 45, Carretera Mexico-Veracruz, El Batan, Texcoco 56130, Mexico
María Elena Cárdenas-Castañeda
Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT), Km. 45, Carretera Mexico-Veracruz, El Batan, Texcoco 56130, Mexico
Santiago Mendoza-Pérez
Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas, Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas, Carretera Ocozocoautla-Villaflores Km 84.5, Apartado Postal 78, Villaflores 30470, Mexico
Agustín Limón-Ortega
Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias, Km 13.5 Los Reyes−Texcoco, Edo, Texcoco 56250, Mexico
Roberto Paredes-Melesio
MUNSA Molinos S. A. de C.V., Edificio JDB, Avenida Circunvalación Agustín Yáñez, No. 2583, Colonia Arcos Vallarta, Guadalajara 44130, Mexico
Luis Guerra-Zitlalapa
Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT), Km. 45, Carretera Mexico-Veracruz, El Batan, Texcoco 56130, Mexico
Iván Ortiz-Monasterio
Centro Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT), Km. 45, Carretera Mexico-Veracruz, El Batan, Texcoco 56130, Mexico
Biofertilizers are considered as potential supplements or alternatives to fertilizers. The objective of the present study is to evaluate different biofertilizers in combination with synthetic fertilizers on the yields of maize and wheat in several states in Mexico. Fourteen biofertilizer treatments plus a treatment with 100% the locally recommended fertilizer rate (RFR), another with 50% RFR (the control treatment), and one without any fertilizer (for a total of 17 treatments) were tested on maize and wheat in five states across Mexico. Field experiments were established in five states and several years for a total of 14 experiments in Mexico. In general, except for the experiments conducted in moderately low soil P conditions, Chiapas and Sonora (maize), no response to biofertilizers was observed in the remaining locations, through the years in wheat and maize. We conclude that in high input production systems, the biofertilizer response is more an exception than a rule with only 21% of the experiments showing a significant difference in favor of biofertilizers and only 4 of 15 products tested produced a yield response in more nitrogen deficient environments. Some products containing AMF may be beneficial in maize production systems with phosphorus deficient environments.