Психологическая наука и образование (Apr 2023)
Career orientations and self-centered personality characteristics of future humanities specialists
The materials of the study of career orientations and self-centered characteristics of the personality of humanities students of the Institute of Social Engineering of the Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev (N=76). The methodological basis of the work was the modern understanding of the career path as determined by a system of interrelated factors. A hypothesis is put forward about the relationship between the career orientations of future professionals in the humanities and socially expected I-centered personal characteristics. The study uses: the questionnaire "Career Anchors", "Methodology for the study of the psychological well-being of the individual", "Questionnaire of self-attitude", "Test of meaningful life orientations"; for data processing – descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. The general trends in the severity of career orientations among humanities students and their features, which constitute the risk zone for productive career self-realization, are determined. It has been revealed that the severity of student-oriented career orientations that involve high social activity is associated with the level of meaningfulness of life in combination with certain characteristics of self-attitude and psychological well-being. It is concluded that the data obtained clarify the understanding of the situation with career self-determination of future humanitarian specialists, which is necessary for the design of psychological technologies for its optimization (in education, thematic seminars and trainings, career counseling). In particular, to create optimal means of overcoming the contradiction between the orientation towards autonomy and the stability of the place of work, to stimulate the orientation towards professional competence through the formation of self-interest, etc.