Emerging Science Journal (Feb 2024)
The Role of Product Visual Appeal and Sale Promotion Program on Consumer Impulsive Buying Behavior
The study aims at investigating the impact on relationships among visual appeals of products, sales promotion programs, and instant gratification factors on consumers’ impulsive buying behavior. The study comprises two stages using both qualitative and quantitative research methods. In detail, qualitative research is applied in the first stage to explore the factors that might influence consumers' online impulsive buying behavior and examine the relationship among the factors. The quantitative research is conducted in Vietnam. The 362 Vietnam-collected valid questionnaires were analyzed using Cronbach alpha, exploring factor analysis (EFA), confirmed factor analysis (CFA), and structural equal model (SEM) to check the measurement values and test the proposed hypotheses. The result shows that product visual appeal and sales promotion programs have a positive impact on instant gratification factors and impulsive buying behaviors. Moreover, the research proved the direct influence of instant gratification factors on consumers’ impulsive buying behavior. The findings contribute to expanding measured values and provide several suggested solutions for the practical management of business strategy. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2024-08-01-021 Full Text: PDF