RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics (Dec 2021)
Characteristics of Psychological Readiness for Social Activity as Determinants of Different Forms of its Manifestation among Russian Student Youth in the Saratov Region
In modern studies, there is a contradiction between the passivity of young people in the manifestation of their social activity and the ideas of society about their progressive role in the development of civilization. In this regard, it becomes especially relevant to solve the problem of increasing the involvement of student youth in social processes through the search for factors that determine their psychological readiness for social activity, as aimed at being included in socially transformative activities, allowing young people to realize their potential in various spheres of life. In order to find a solution to this problem, a study aimed at analyzing the determinants of psychological readiness of Russian students to manifest various forms of social activity was conducted. The empirical study was carried out on a sample of students who live in the Saratov region and study in organizations of secondary vocational and higher education (Russian Federation, Saratov, N = 197; aged 18 to 23). The characteristics of psychological readiness were identified using the following methods: Personality Emotional Orientation Assessment (B.I. Dodonov, verified by N.A. Belskaya), General Self-Efficacy Scale (R. Schwarzer, M. Erusalem, adapted by V.G. Romek), Readiness for Self-Development (V.L. Pavlov) and Personal Change-Readiness Survey (A. Rolnik, S. Hezer, M. Gold, K. Hull, adapted by N.A. Bazhanova and G.L. Bardier). The intensity of social activity and different forms of its manifestation was determined using a questionnaire developed by a team of authors (R.M. Shamionov et al.). The study revealed some specific features in the determination of various forms of social activity by characteristics of psychological readiness for their manifestation among Russian students. It is shown that social activity in different forms of its manifestation can be determined by personal emotional orientation as a characteristic of emotional readiness, self-efficacy as an indicator of readiness to overcome difficulties in a social context, and characteristics of personal readiness for change, among which passion (energy), confidence and ingenuity dominate. It is found that, among young students, psychological readiness to the greatest extent determines the intensity of subcultural, altruistic and educational-developing forms of social activity, minimally associated with the manifestation of socio-political and Internet network forms of activity and is not associated with religious activity.