Revista de Políticas Públicas (Jan 2012)

O BOLSA FAMÍLIA NO BRASIL: problematizando a transferência de renda condicionada focalizada em famílias pobres no contexto da América Latina

  • Maria Ozanira da Silva e Silva,
  • Valéria Ferreira Santos de Almada Lima


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The Bolsa Família, created in 2003, is a national targeting and conditional direct monetary transfer program to poor families. It is the major program in the Social Protection System in Brazil nowadays. It has been implemented in ali the 5,565 Brazilian municipalities and in the Federal District, since 2006. The program has as beneficiaries more than 12 million of families. It is discussed in this paper the following aspects: contextualization and characterization of the Bolsa Família; profile of the beneficiary families: who they are? how do they Iive? What do they do? As conclusion, it is presented preliminary reflection about some aspects as reference to develop comparison among the conditional direct monetary transfer programs in Latin America.
