Вісник: Київський інститут бізнесу та технологій (Mar 2019)
Peculiarities of Parents Attitudes Reflection by Young Men from Nuclear and Single-Parent Families
The article presents the results of the theoretical and empirical research of the reflection of parental attitude by children who are raised in full and non-existent families. At the theoretical level, the psychological conditions of the development of the family are analyzed, which are the implementation of functions by adult family members (parents), peculiarities of the family’s psychological climate, characteristics of marital relations. It is established that the changed composition and structure of the family influence the development of the child’s personality in the cognitive, intellectual, emotional and behavioural spheres. It is determined that the structural components of the family are its composition, a number of members, family functions, role structure and interpersonal relationships, cohesion, hierarchy, flexibility, external and internal boundaries of the family. As a separate type, a destructive (incomplete) family is identified as being in a modified structure (one or both parents is absent), the harmony of infamily relationships is disturbed, a marked imbalance in the implementation of family functions, and the inversion of roles is present. Empirically revealed significant differences in the reflection of parental attitudes by children from full and part-time families throughout the teenage period. It has been found that younger teens from destructive families are much less likely to reflect such types of parenting attitudes as adoption; cooperation; symbiosis in comparison with the interviewed teenagers from full families. It was stated that younger teens from full families considerably less often reflect such types of parenting attitudes as authoritarian hypersocialization and disability, compared to those surveyed by adolescents from single-parent families. In the group of the studied middle-aged adolescents, a similar tendency has been established: adolescents from destructive families show a decrease in average values of acceptance rates; cooperation; Symbiosis against the background of increase of average values of indicators on the scale of authoritarian hypersocialization and disability as compared to respondents of the control group. It is shown that there is a tendency to decrease the average values of indicators of teenagers from destructive families in comparison with adolescents from full families and in senior adolescents.