Revista de Management Comparat International (Dec 2015)
The Manager and the Managerial Tools: Job Description
The management specialists and the management literature often mention the decisive role played by the methodological component of management (i.e. the managerial tools, the design methodologies, reengineering and support of a functional management systems) in the scientism of manager's, work. In the context of professionalization of both managers and management, treating scientifically, the management processes, becomes a major subject with impact on both quality and efficiency of management. This paper is going to approach one of the apparently common managerial tool, many times overlooked, known mostly as just an organisational document: job description. How many managers consider it important? How many managers do really know what is its content? How many managers know how to write one? How many know when a job description should be updated and how to do that? These are some of the questions we aim to answer next and at the same time pinpoint the need of turning this organisational and legal document into a real managerial tool.