Вісник Харківського національного університету імені В. Н. Каразіна Серія: «Право» (Dec 2019)
The article deals with the terms “bureaucracy” and “bureaucracy”; opinions of various developers of the theory of bureaucracy are given; it is indicated that for a long time in our country, studies on bureaucracy were significantly limited; the state of discussion of the problem of bureaucracy today is indicated, in particular, a list of problems and phenomena that are associated with the phenomenon of bureaucracy is given; it is noted that the problem of bureaucracy cannot be overcome by just talking, it is necessary to look for other leverage; it is noted that some scientists considered a rational bureaucracy as an organic component of the optimal division of labor and a well-functioning management mechanism, as an indispensable condition for the successful and dynamic development of industrial society; M. Weber’s research in the study of the concept of “bureaucracy” is given separately, such as depriving him of an emotionally negative connotation, establishing criteria that must be met by a rationally structured management system and the inevitability of bureaucracy in it; the people involved in the bureaucratic apparatus are characterized and the most important characteristics of the bureaucracy are provided; it is indicated that these values have an active influence on the values of society and thereby form the foundation of the social strength of the bureaucratic system; weaknesses of the bureaucratic system were also noted, such as: personnel stagnation, exorbitant bureaucratic arrogance, “thirst” for independent power; “Fierce hatred” of all those “who expresses a desire to engage in administrative affairs outside of her”; it is noted that management activities within the framework of a rationally constructed bureaucratic system are divided into simple elementary operations endowed with specific competence in the form of optimality and professionalism in solving all emerging problems; features of the style of the ideal leader who must manage his device impersonally, without the manifestation of any feelings and enthusiasm; the high social efficiency of professional bureaucratic management is indicated, which ensures the stability and dynamic development of the social organism, personnel, increases the prestige of professional education, creates an increased demand for diplomas and elite educational institutions, argues that bureaucracy should be criticized; it is indicated that the bureaucratic apparatus must be at risk of various destructive dysfunctions, such as ossification, closure, isolation from the people and their interests; it is determined that the principles and technologies of rational bureaucracy not only did not discredit themselves, but also survive a period of modernization; priority areas of public administration reform are given, in particular the introduction of the concept of “State in a smartphone” and the electronicization of public services; it is indicated that rethinking strategies and revising plans, in particular with regard to the bureaucratic organization of the state apparatus, is a requirement of time and a desire to really solve state problems.