International Journal of Health Policy and Management (Aug 2022)
Six Honest Serving Matters, Teaching Us all We Need to Know About Context in Knowledge Implementation?; Comment on "Stakeholder Perspectives of Attributes and Features of Context Relevant to Knowledge Translation in Health Settings: A Multi-Country Analysis"
While context is a vital factor in any attempt to study knowledge translation or implement evidence in healthcare, there is a need to better understand the attributes and relations that constitute context. A recent study by J. Squires et al. investigates such attributes and definitions, based on 39 stakeholder interviews across Australia, Canada, the UK, and the USA. Sixteen attributes, comprising 30 elements suggested as new findings, are proposed as the basis for a framework. This commentary argues for the need to incorporate more perspectives but also suggests an initial taxonomy rather than a framework, comprising a wider range of stakeholders and an enhanced understanding of how context elements are related at different levels and how this affects implementation processes. Aligning with person- centred care, this must include not only professionals but also patients and their next of kin, as partners in shaping more evidence-based healthcare.