Вестник войск РХБ защиты (Jun 2021)
Synthesis of Deuterated Methylphosphonic Acid Derivatives for Use as Standard Compounds in the Analysis of Toxic Chemicals
One of the ways to ensure high reliability of detection, identification and accuracy of quantitative determination of toxic chemicals (TC) in environmental and biomedical samples by gas and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry methods is to use internal standards (IS) as additives to the analyzed sample, which, in contrast from target TC, contain stable isotopes such as D, 13C, 15N, 18O. In this case, preference is given to the most accessible stable deuterated compounds. IS labeled with stable isotopes are widely used in numerous studies to develop methods for the analysis of various toxic chemicals, in particular, alkylphosphonic acids. For the prompt and high-quality performance of the tasks assigned to the assigned laboratory, it seems necessary to have a physical bank of samples labeled with stable IS isotopes, corresponding to those TC, the appearance of which in the analyzed samples is most likely. These include, first of all, stable decomposition products of such as sarin, soman, cyclosarin, VX, VR, CVX, namely, methylphosphonic acid, its ethyl, isopropyl, butyl, isobutyl, pinacolyl and cyclohexyl esters, as well as the corresponding symmetric diesters . In accordance with the objectives of the article, we have synthesized the IS composition of deuteromethylphosphonic acid and its derivatives: acid chlorides of O-alkyl esters of deuteromethylphosphonic acids, acid O-alkyl esters of deuteromethylphosphonic acids, O, O-dialkyl esters of deuteromethylphosphonic acids, and also adducts of tyrosine and tripeptide TyrThr-Lys with chlorides of O-isopropyl and O-cyclohexyl esters of deuteromethylphosphonic acid. NMR 2Н, 31Р, GC-MS and HPLC-MS spectral characteristics of the synthesized substances were studied.