Scienze del Territorio (Dec 2019)
Patrimonio territoriale, comunità e territori fragili nel Global South
The many experiences of territorial heritage enhancement developed in Italy show how recognising the close link between community and territory can be the basis for paths of sustainable local development. How to translate this practice legacy to render it useful in deeply different contexts, such as the Global South countries, where centuries of colonisation and exploitation of resources as well as of the population (like in Latin America) have permanently altered any balance between the man and the environment? The paper organises some reflections emerged from researches and projects developed by the writer inside the LabPSM – Laboratory City and territory in the countries of the Global South – of the University of Florence, within the broader framework of post-colonial studies. The main issue explored concerns projects and policies for the requalification of informal settlements, with regard to which a contribution is offered in terms of criticism and construction of meanings and methodologies.